Tuesday, September 12, 2006

m&m's (Maud & Max's)

Holy crap... Maud and Max made those incredible shots with my Dslr camera tonite !
I just helped w/ the camera settings, light and RAW processing: they made the shots happen... Totally new PoV and vision to what/how I use to shoot... I'm impressed, really.
Special grade to Maud for finally being able to accurately focus in manual focusing mode. hehe..!
Let's start with Maud's shots:
IMGP0050a by Maud
IMGP0084a by Maud
IMGP0085a by Maud
IMGP0131a by Maud
The cops, Max, Alex - Bastille - 11/09/2006

Now it's time for Max's shots... this serie is actually one of my favorite so far...
(more of Max & Maud's on flickr... check them out) :
IMGP0102a by Max
IMGP0103a by Max
IMGP0106a by Max
IMGP0108a by Max
IMGP0111a by Max
IMGP0113a by Max
Raffee Maud, Alex - Bastille - 11/09/2006