I miss kitbashing, customising... I miss ruining the tips of my fingers on the dremel, I miss the smell of aceton, the smell of resin (which by the way, are not very healthy to breathe... ), but most important : I miss sculpting and painting so bad !
Fortunately I have thousands of baaaaad pictures to salvage, I guess it's keeping me busy (and sane) for now...
I can't wait for the day I will set up my workshop again to a new location (everything's inside boxes at a friend's place in HK and yeah, I've made my decision: I'm coming back to Paris for good, I miss family and friends too much...) .
Problem : how to travel back with dozens of unfinished sculptures ? I already made silicon cases for each one of them, but will that be safe enough for the trip back to Paris ? Man... I'd really hate to find months of work crushed like little puppies on a chinese freeway.
Sun starting to shine again, warm weather, new exciting projects, friends, family... happiness might just be right here right now...
PS: After years of semi-sacrifices (hey, I'm not a monk) I've decided to cut the crap and get myself one of this lil' mofo :